Educate. Tutor.
Mentor. Advise.

No matter what your child’s needs are,
we are here to support and/or
point you in the right direction.

Educate. Tutor.
Mentor. Advise.

No matter what your child’s needs are, we are here to support and/or point you in the right direction.

What we do:

We place an emphasis on STEM subjects at all levels (K-12) as well as college preparation, readiness and entrance. We have over 16 years experience in those fields and have helped hundreds successfully learn difficult STEM subjects and assisted dozens in navigating the college admissions journey.  We do this all remotely so we can help anyone, anywhere at almost any time. 


We can create a curriculum for you or your child based on the criteria that you value. Our focus is not just getting you to pass, but making sure that you have a foundation laid for the next step in your journey. We can walk you through each step, explaining concepts in a variety of ways, with a variety of demonstrations. We have the experience to guide you through the pitfalls of a subject since we have been there before.


Kids are amazing. Having a mentor to hold your child’s hand and guide them when they get to a crossroads is worth more than you may realize. Should your child focus on Band 150% or should they join as many clubs as they can? What are colleges looking for? Our experience guiding high achieving and low/moderate income students through their high schools years since 2012 will prove valuable in guiding your child and helping them get the best outcome possible.

For many parents, this journey your child is on is totally new. Things aren’t what they were when we were younger. For parents of kids who are the first generation to enter college, there are opportunities that are only shared with those who’ve been there before. We will help you open those doors for your child.

What they’ve said

Our former students have a lot to say about what we do!

The impact you, [and] that class had on me as a younger person was huge and I want to thank you for everything you did for us back then. Your class allowed me to believe that if I wanted to become an engineer I could make it happen. 

Kevin E.

Biomedical Engineer, Former Student

Thanks for taking me to MIT! Thanks for going above and beyond as a teacher.

Stephanie M.

Chief of Staff – Corporate Intelligence, Former Student

You always believed in me and pushed me to do my best.

Kevin P.

Former Student

I discovered that putting my trust in you pays off and that you’re one of the teachers that has actually made a difference in my I.Q.!

Natasha R.

Nurse Practitioner, Former Student

Who We Are…

“Hi! I’m Peta. I’m a teacher and advisor and I’m here to GUIDE you.”

A product of the South Florida educational system, Peta-Gaye attended the University of Miami. After graduating with a degree in Mathematics she entered the world Actuarial Science and Computer Programming.

In 2004, after having her first child, she decided to go back to the classroom as a teacher. As a Calculus, Physics and Computer Science teacher in a moderate income area, she noticed that qualified students were underestimating their abilities and not choosing challenging careers or applying to better colleges and universities. Along with two other teachers, she launched a college preparatory club that eventually graduated students from some of the best programs in the country, including Yale, Stanford, the University of Florida, and Boston University.

Since 2014, she has been teaching kids of all ages in the South Florida community the joys of computer science. Summer camps, day camps, conferences, in-school and out, Peta created curriculum, trained staffers and taught programming with a focus on Science, Art and Math.

As Featured In

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